The purpose of shamanic practices lies in the duality of the path itself. The first necessity for those seeking a deeper understanding of the shamanic state of mind (or lack of it) is learning to access the peculiar areas of their own consciousness, allowing for heightened awareness beyond their cultural definitions of normalcy.
I thought it was time to talk cosmology, not cosmetology, although some might think of it as spiritual hairdressing, but I don't quite see it that way. This tradition is not different than most others in basic concepts, it has, however, moved a great deal over the course of lives through which it has been followed.
People often confuse the traditional shaman with the medicine man or woman. They were different in many traditional settings, and in others, one and the same. The western image of the shaman as some sort of spiritual, or even political leader in his or her community may be comfortable in light of western culture, but it is far from the actual truth.