CaveShamans Blogs

Finding my passion

Finding my passion

Finding my passion

Looking back when I took my first class here in CaveShamans where we need to set our biggest intent, it was a no brainer for me then, it was clear, I felt it and it does look easy to imagine, that was May 2015.

9 years have passed I have graduated lol all the Makers classes, healing, dreaming, moving, time travel and much more.. then teaching, helping new students find their path and most importantly their own healing. As student it did seem to me that the path was set for me to follow and it could be the classes were well structured that each students has to go through with ease and confidence that whatever we set foot at the beginning of our journey is not only possible but doable.

I enjoyed being a student not because I felt the changed and the freedom it brings, the magic that we experienced and the truth that only few people did manage to see. I enjoyed here because I found the community and the support(talking about energy) of course. However, the same as with all students that at some point we need to come out and have to venture to the world where we apply our knowledge and skill. This is exact analogy I am referring too. I am out of school and lived in the world where it is so different that what we have learned. This is the world where the normal for humans is not so normal for us.

Where do we stand.. I am still humans, I have needs, I am affected by inflation, by political upheaval, the climate change and now the emergence of AI. How do I move to a world where 99% of humans who inhabit it are shaping the reality through their unhealed emotions and prejudice. 

When I surf in the internet or exploring forums or any media, the contents are enormous, like everyone has something to share, and why not, what's wrong with that. But I lose of words sometimes as I read their motivation of doing it, I do understand, but sometimes ignorance is bliss. It does sometimes make me not wanting to say at all for it seems people can't understand that there is a different world..

I figured, I need to keep my biggest intent where 9 years ago I set in and does looked easy but now I realized the integration and the implementation is not so straightforward. Where should I go.. should I just pretend that I didn't know about freedom, about change, about what humans are capable of becoming. 

Where should I begin.. I keep asking myself.. the spiral is massive and deep but there is a space to start I know.. I thought, I have to find my passion, the one that sets the fire within...

Happy New Year all!!