Courses By Tier

Shamanic Mind

Shamanic Mind
  • Seven Weeks
  • Beginner
(0 Ratings)

Harnessing the power of the shamanic mind is a fundamental step before delving into the more advanced classes offered at our school. This course delves into the intriguing contrast of the everyday mind and the shamanic mind, with a focus on techniques for utilising the latter to gain access to an extraordinary worldview through the rational mind. The class employs various exercises and practices to help train the mind to conform to the student's will, enabling them to tap into a broader worldview through conventional channels of perception and awareness. This class is designed to seamlessly integrate the exercises from perception (Quicksilver) and intent (Spirals) into a natural flow of practice within the rational mind. It's a critical part of our shamanism classes, and is deeply rooted in the teachings of the makers.

Class Length: 7 Weeks Prerequisites: (Completion of Recapitulation, Spirals, Quicksilver, Dreaming I, Stalking I, Seeing I and Shamanic Tools courses or faculty approval)

Short Description

Shamanism and the rational mind

Course Info

Shamanic Mind
Examine the vagaries of the modern mind
Learn techniques to open the rational mind to access more in the world
Learning how to focus the mind
Practices for accessing the mind on different levels
Learning focus and movement through the mind

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