Courses By Tier

Healing Six

Healing Six
  • Graduate Level
(0 Ratings)

This class, part of our shamanism curriculum, explores the concept of healing in and through both through the energy of dreams and the issues that arise within them.

Class Duration: 7 Weeks

Preconditions: Our Tier Five healing classes, embodying the teachings of the Makers, are open to students who have completed Tiers 1 through 3, have agreed to our terms, and hold a genuine interest in the art of healing. It's possible to concurrently enrol in Tier Four classes with Tier Five, enhancing your journey in our shamanism classes.

Short Description

Healing both through dreaming energy and dreaming problems.

Course Info

Healing Six
For those who want to learn shamanic healing using the Maker Method
Classes are somewhat geared toward the specific students in the class and take into account their existing skills, talents, and knowledge
Each of the the ten classes have a particular focus and intent related to different aspects of healing using the Maker Method
Class format is primarily conversational with lecture content and real-world examples provided, with a possible movement practice suggestion between classes

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