Dreaming Three
- Eight Weeks
- Advanced
Exploring the concept of 'the other' in the realm of dreaming can be an abstract journey, one that may not make immediate sense. However, it is our hope that as students delve into this study, they will begin to understand the process. Our course, Dreaming Three, focuses on the intricate synthesis of 'the other' and 'the dreaming body'. This unique fusion results in a third state of being and consciousness. We delve into the real dynamics and creation of this state, examining the practical methods employed to merge the dreaming and awake bodies. This fusion offers a new level of awareness that transcends the usual binary states of consciousness. Beyond mere theory, we also explore how this triad state can influence the world and people around us. This approach, integral to the Maker tradition, favours integration over division, promoting a deeper connection with our surroundings. It should be noted that Dreaming Three is a challenging course, requiring more commitment and time than other classes. It involves working through the complex process of creating this third state. We provide exercises and practices to aid this creation. While 'the other' may not fully manifest by the end of the course, the ongoing process of its creation will serve as a powerful catalyst for personal energy transformation, benefitting students in numerous ways.
The duration of this course is 8 weeks.
Short Description
Describing the other in dreaming would make no sense, I can only hope that when someone gets there they understand the process.
Course Info

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