Maker as Master Dreamer
- Seven Weeks
- Advanced
Embracing the art of shamanism, the Master Dreamer course invites you to dream yourself back into the world. This class, steeped in the traditions of the Makers, delves into all the dreaming practices and methods learned so far. It further enriches your journey with additional exercises and movements that aid in mastering dreaming on various levels. The course encourages movement through the dreaming body and the other, fostering a deeper connection with the essence of shamanism. By working with dreaming energy on a larger scale, it stretches from the individual to the planet itself. At CaveShamans, we offer these classes to guide you towards becoming a master dreamer. Our aim is to support and encourage those embarking or continuing on their shamanic journey. Together, let's explore the depths of the Makers' wisdom and the mystic realm of shamanism.
Short Description
The master dreaming class covers advanced movements and working with dreaming energy.
Course Info

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