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Master of Moving Energy

Master of Moving Energy
  • Eight Weeks
  • Advanced
(0 Ratings)

The Master of Moving Energy course, rooted in the tradition of shamanism, provides advanced learners with the skills to manipulate energy effectively and swiftly in the world. Moving energy, a key concept in the Maker tradition, can be utilised across a wide range of practices. The class also explores and demonstrates the dynamics of energy as it flows through all things, providing insights on how to instigate change and comprehend the transformations you are facilitating in the world. This course is an integral part of the Makers' shamanic journey, helping students understand the intricate relationship between moving energy and the practice of shamanism.

Short Description

Moving energy in the world and beyond.

Course Info

Master of Moving Energy
Learning to move energy in larger ways, both in your world and others
Learning to create energy dynamics through intent and the combination of movements
Affecting the world around you and worlds elsewhere

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