Moving Energy Two – Moving With Intent
- Seven Weeks
- Advanced
Moving Energy Three delves deeper into the Maker Healing Method, a cornerstone of shamanism, and is an essential course for anyone drawn to the teachings of the Makers. In the Moving Energy Three class, we further illuminate the concept of intent as a pure form of energy, ensuring that our students are adept at its application. This exploration of shamanism delves into the process of influencing others and the world around us directly through the movement of energy: our own, that of the world, and that of others. This class will address the challenges of discernment, as well as the ethical considerations in interacting with others in this manner. The course comprises practical exercises and in-depth analysis of the process, as students deepen their understanding and progress further along their personal spiral of intent.
The duration of the class is 7 weeks.
To take this class, prerequisites include all Tier One and Tier Two classes, Recap 3, Spirals 3, Shamanic Death, Seeing 3, Introduction to Maker Tradition, Dreaming 3, Stalking 3, Shamanic Power, Shape Shifting, and Faculty Approval/Invitation.
Short Description
Moving Energy Three goes further with intent and is a must for anyone that wishes to work in the Maker Healing Method.
Course Info
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