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Shamanic Death

Shamanic Death
  • Seven Weeks
  • Advanced
(0 Ratings)

The exploration of Shamanic Death is a commitment, created for those who sense a profound invitation to dedicate their life's work to shamanism. Anything less than total commitment resembles mere curious tourism. Our class centred around the theme of Shamanic Death is an intensive and meticulous examination for those being drawn towards the pathway of transformation that is inherent in becoming a maker of the shaman's journey. The class offers exploratory practices and vital insights into the shifts of energy that are crucial to comprehend. This class does not necessitate literal death; rather it unpacks the implications involved and the necessary metamorphosis required to delve deeper into understanding the world of the shaman, and deciphering what that signifies on a personal level.

The duration of the class is 7 weeks.

Prerequisites include all Tier One and Tier Two classes, Recap 3, Spirals 3, and the approval or invitation of the faculty. In our school, these classes form a part of essential learning for those interested in the study of shamanism in the maker tradition.

Short Description

Shamanic Death is not a picnic...but if it was, it would start on the week of September 17th, 2023.

Course Info

Shamanic Death
Examining the process of change on a shamanic path
Recognizing the ultimate perspective of death
Learning to examine your own death and focusing on the future
Learn to speak with your own death

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