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  • Seven Weeks
  • Advanced
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So, what's the deal? Is it all fun and games? Not exactly, but it's an essential aspect to grasp in the context of human energy. Plus, it's bound to make you the life of the party. Introducing our course for those who feel a deep connection with the wolf or the bear, Shapeshifting is more than a mere transformation. It's an intensive act of channeling all the student's energy to embody the form and consciousness of the selected creature, a concept deeply rooted in the practice of shamanism. This is no small feat for the shifter and demands a significant amount of energy. However, the aim of this class is not to churn out shapeshifters, but to instruct students on how to genuinely immerse themselves in the awareness of their surroundings and experience it first-hand through their own energy.

Course Duration: 7 weeks

Prerequisites: All Tier One, all Tier Two, Recap 3, Spirals 3, Shamanic Death, Seeing 3, Introduction to the Makers Tradition, Dreaming 3, Stalking 3, Shamanic Power and Faculty Approval/Invitation. This course, like all our shamanism classes, is part of the Makers teaching tradition.

Short Description

What can we say, well, is it fun? No, but then it is a necessary place...

Course Info

Learn the history of shapeshifting in shamanic practice
Learn about the practice of altering your energy in real ways to appear to the world as you choose
Practical application of shapeshifting techniques in the contemporary world

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