This is a full list of courses available on CaveShamans. Here you will find all the listed courses which is currently sixty six.
Courses appear in random order.
Working to clear and heal the contextual layer of the energy body, with an emphasis on detachment and compassion, and seeing into different timelines to gain a better understanding of the client.
Healing seven covers a number of common diseases and how to treat them as a Maker healer.
Techniques, hand positions, and tools used in in-person healing work -- the what and how-to guide.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.
Topics in the tradition covers a number of subjects which students may be curious about outside of regular classes.