This is a full list of courses available on CaveShamans. Here you will find all the listed courses which is currently sixty six.
Courses appear in random order.
Learning to handle your own awareness as an energy
This is the second of the Dreaming classes and works with dreaming energy directly in the waking side of awareness.
This is the second class devoted especially to the Recapitulation and examining the past beyond the straight forward memories of personal history.
Who were you back in 1742, well, we'll figure it out in this class, maybe.
Shamanic Death is not a picnic...but if it was, it would start on the week of September 17th, 2023.
Cosmology, Intent, history and personal commitment. This class is for those students that have made a commitment to the Maker tradition - details provided later.
Unless you are hell bent on doing this, you should turn back now. Stalking the other is not for anyone who cares about their self image, or what other people may think of them.
Where did that come from, that surge, that connection to something larger than yourself.
What can we say, well, is it fun? No, but then it is a necessary place...
Moving Energy Three goes further with intent and is a must for anyone that wishes to work in the Maker Healing Method.
This class begins a process of organizing skills and practices from everything else to apply it to healing..
The master dreaming class covers advanced movements and working with dreaming energy.
Perfecting the art of stalking both the self and the world.
The intent of the Makers and learning to flow within it.
Learning to exist neither here nor there, but rather there and here.
Learning how to master teaching the tradition to others.
Combining and moving using all the skill practiced and learned over time.
Covers general information including distance healing, working with clients and ethical guidelines.